I am a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Michigan State University and have taught elementary students and teachers for over 20 years. I have taught in schools, nature centers, and aquaria, as well as pre-service teachers.
What is your academic and teaching background?
I have a PhD in Education from Rutgers University, researching educator environmental literacy. I have elementary students and teachers in schools, nature centers, and aquaria, as well as pre-service teachers.
Why are you involved in the grant?
Learning outdoors has so many benefits for students and teachers but can be intimidating. I love to help teachers overcome that and begin taking their students outdoors. It is important to support teachers in connecting their students to their place - the school grounds, the community, and the science they can find there.
Favorite urban plant or animal?
This is a tough one - I love the dandelion for its tenacity, but also the peregrine falcon. They like nesting high above the streets and have carved their own little niche among urban buildings, feeding on the sparrows and pigeons below.