I am a Graduate Research Assistant with TSO-UP, currently working toward my PhD in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education at Michigan State University focusing on identity in science education.
What is your academic and teaching background?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry with a minor in Justice, Community and Leadership (Saint Mary’s College of California) and a master’s degree in Environment and Sustainability with a concentration in Environmental Justice (University of Michigan). I bring informal teaching experience from on-the-job training, extracurricular, and summer programs.
Why are you involved in the grant?
Learning science through the outdoors has been one of the most influential experiences I’ve had. I am interested in continuing to learn about ways to teach science outdoors while grounding the work in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.
Favorite urban plant or animal?
I enjoyed learning about red-tailed hawks at a wildlife experience center I volunteered at previously. This majestic creature has a distinct look and sound that makes it my favorite urban animal.